Bahia San Luis Gonzaga
December 2006/January 2007

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"Hurry up and die!  I'm hungry"

Gonzaga Bay Office of the Flying Samaritans.
I hope the vultures aren't trying to tell us something.
Actually, there was a sea lion carcass on the beach
that attracted every vulture in central Baja.
An Osprey is also checking out the sea lion,
but wasn't really interested.
This bird found our freshwater leak.
Feeding the birds.  They love dry cat food ... ocean fish flavor.
Heerman's Gull   juvenile
Flying in place against a 20+ knot
This blue heron seems confused about the
feeding etiquette.  The vultures are jumping
right in for their meal of sea lion while the
blue heron watched for several hours.  No
doubt the fact that the heron's normal food
is wiggling is causing some confusion..
Both shots are of Punta Bufeo; however, there is a big difference
in the sea conditions.  In the photo on the left the wind was
blowing 20+ knots with gusts to 35 or 40.
Final Approach to Runway 8, Rancho Grande (VMC)
End of the Day !


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