Baja  Images

December, 2001
Click on the photo to enlarge the image.

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Rancho Grande Runways and Palapas Rancho Grande Palapa -- up close


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Alfonsina's (looking south)
The Rancho Grande runways can be seen
running east-west, and southwest-northeast near the top of the picture.
Aerial view
Alfonsina's (looking southwest)
View from the island


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Looking south down the
backbone of the island
This is the path along the
backbone.  Very rough.
Looking east from the
first plateau on the island


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John's Cobra Colors of Sunset looking east

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IFR conditions in LA caused us to
opt for new year's eve at the
Quality Inn (a misnomer) in 
not-so-beautiful downtown
Calexico.  This was the view
from our room.

Click on the photo to enlarge the image.

More later!!

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