Johnson Creek, Idaho
Johnson Creek Webcam
YouTube Video - Landing at
Johnson Creek
YouTube Video - Departure
from Johnson Creek
History at/near Johnson Creek
Johnson Creek Evacuation,
2007 (You Tube)
Photos with Music (You
August 2003 FAA Identifier and link:
Elevation 4933 feet with surrounding peaks over 8500 feet.
Click on the thumbnail photos below to enlarge the image.
Cessna 185 (N5XC) departing Johnson Creek
toward the town of Yellow Pine, which
is several miles down the valley and
around the bend.
Johnson Creek Haunted?? Local legend has it that when
these folks left
Johnson Creek to return to work, their spirits refused to leave.
Scroll down until you can see the two thumbnail photos and the
larger photo below.
The photo on the left is the original and the one on the right is the improved.
Click on the thumbnail image and see the larger image change.
Salmon Run. Fish are caught in the fish trap, milked of
their roe and then killed.
The roe are then fertilized, hatched, and ultimately released in another stream
which the adult salmon will eventually return to spawn .
This guy sezzs that all those teeth are his ... must have finally made the last payment! |
Another "improved" image. |
Looking north down runway 35. What a picture perfect runway!
Normal landings are on runway 17 and departures are on runway 35
Remains of an old settler's cabin in the foreground and the
old house at the
south end of the Johnson Creek runway is in the background
Starry Night! Idaho Style.
Look closely at the enlarged image and you can see the stars.
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