North Carolina
September/October, 2006

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Them ole cotton fields back home . . .

Cotton field and two trespassers
 near Stanfield, NC
We heard loud machine noises in the
night and the next morning almost half
of the cotton was on the ground.  What
happened is a complete mystery.
This shot is from before the cotton fell.
This writing spider was in the cotton field.
Click on
Writing Spider to learn more.

** The Dinner Party **

Stanly County Airport (KVUJ) (link), North Carolina
Sept 30, 2006

 C130 landing after an air drop

To demonstrate the short field capabilities
of the C130 the plane was landed down wind (about a 7 knot tailwind) and down
hill, but still stopped in under 2000 feet.
It then backed up several hundred feet
using reverse thrust, loaded the truck
(see below) and then departed with
plenty of runway to spare.
I wonder if they would take a Cessna 206 as  a trade-in.  This would be great
for getting my truck to Baja.
Mid-field departure.
DC-3 from Piedmont Airlines
1942 DC 3   N44V (link)
All aboard
Nice panel !
Not 1942 vintage.


The Flying Farmer  - Charlie Kulp "aka" Cyrus
Link to The Flying Farmer web site.

The announcer's spiel is that "Cyrus," a local farmer, has used his tractor to mow all
of the grass at the airport and all that he asks in return is an airplane ride.  Cyrus
gets a ride out to the airplane in the diesel gator where Cyrus almost walks into
the spinning propeller and then tries to mount the tail of the plane.  Once Cyrus is
seated inside with the pilot, there is a "problem" with the tail wheel and the
pilot gets out to inspect.  It is at this point that the act begins and Cyrus bounces,
skids, and rocks and rolls off into the wide blue yonder which is followed by
repeated attempts to land.

"Cyrus" being chauffeured out
for his plane ride.
"Cyrus" discovers that this ain't like his
ole mule or the tractor neither.

It looks like he is in motion, but he
is not.  The plane is at a complete
stop and hasn't moved.

The departure


This young lady was
rather distraught when
she thought that ole
Cyrus was really in
trouble, but she and
her dolly settled
down to enjoy the
show after her Mother
assured her that it
was just an act.



Doesn't quite seem to have the
hang of it, yet.
. . . still doesn't.

Looks like he is coming toward us,
but he isn't.  Ole Cyrus is headed
straight down the runway (visible
just above the Mooney)

. . . still doesn't.  
  A one-and-one-half-turn spin from
about 1500 feet.

Again, this plane is NOT on base leg
turning on final . . . he IS on final and
is tracking straight down the runway.

  Cyrus being escorted from the flight line
after his "first" flight

Charlie Kulp turned 81 this year.  He
has been flying for more than 63 years
and doing the Flying Farmer act for
40 plus years.

The DVD of his act will be available
soon through his web site.


Impressive flying
This plane is hanging on the prop and "walking"
backward down the runway.





Now he is "walking" to the tie-down area.


Really Nice !  1937 LaFrance fire engine
Diesel Ice Cream Maker
Small John Deere Diesel engine
powers the mixer in the wood
barrels.  The steel drum containing
the ice cream and the mixing paddles
can be seen in the upper right
corner of the picture in front of the kid.
The drive belts are laced leather.
Beautiful 3-year restoration of a 1941  J3 Piper Cub.
The fuel tank (visible below the instrument panel)
holds 12 gallons -- enough for a 3-hour flight.


 _ Ole Friends _


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