Trailer Trash Home Page

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Movin' South
and singin' 
"I don't care if it rainy or foggy,
long as I got my plastic doggie 
Ridin' on the dashboard of my car.

caravan1.jpg (179136 bytes)  caravan3.jpg (149698 bytes)  caravan2.jpg (165531 bytes)

Movin' In

movin' in 1.jpg (36882 bytes)  movin' in 2.jpg (26747 bytes)

Moved In

southwoods1.jpg (35864 bytes)  southwoods2.jpg (42122 bytes) 

 southwoods3.jpg (28541 bytes)  southwoods6.jpg (129293 bytes)

southwoods4.jpg (27845 bytes)  southwoods 7.jpg (32689 bytes)  southwoods5.jpg (23320 bytes)

doug1.jpg (38470 bytes)  doug2.jpg (39063 bytes)

northview1.jpg (29070 bytes)
View to the north.

La Casa de nosotros es un Palacio

mi casa1.jpg (40605 bytes)

insideview2.jpg (35609 bytes)  insideview1.jpg (35475 bytes)    insideview3.jpg (43697 bytes)

New Homeowners at Work

poo1.jpg (18343 bytes)   cleaninglady.jpg (88849 bytes)  motorcycleshop.jpg (32705 bytes)

 El Yate

gregor2.jpg (41805 bytes)  doug&mike.jpg (34484 bytes)  doug&mike2.jpg (24526 bytes)

east view2.jpg (39845 bytes)   east view1.jpg (28135 bytes)

glenninboat1.jpg (93795 bytes)  gregor1.jpg (33683 bytes)

gregor3.jpg (33580 bytes)  shoreboat.jpg (33491 bytes)

Full Moon Rising

  moonrise.jpg (11140 bytes)

  Seen Along the Road from Rancho Grande to Puertecitos

oldstore.jpg (49964 bytes)  roadart.jpg (67260 bytes)

  rattler1.jpg (61853 bytes)  rattler3.jpg (9570 bytes)
I counted 13 pairs of rattles.  This rattler
must be a senior citizen.

Runways 19 and 01 at Alfonsina's

runway19gull.jpg (286207 bytes) runway1TDZ.jpg (45843 bytes)
Seagull turning final on
runway one-niner
Look closely and you
will see the runway
numbers -- 01


Que Lastima !
missing.jpg (14377 bytes)
This vessel was last seen at Anchor.
A night time wind squall apparently
sent this vessel eastbound (out to
sea) -- destination, unknown.

 Early morning camp visitors
-  Mr. & Mrs. Coyote -

coyote track 1.jpg (22387 bytes)  coyote track 2.jpg (13596 bytes)

The following pictures are the BEFORE pictures.

layoutstyle1.jpg (181443 bytes) layoutstyle2.jpg (226199 bytes)
This is space #9.  Nice. Ours (#7) can be seen
 in the background.
This belongs to Lloyd & Randy Cliff
palapa1.jpg (174579 bytes) palapa2.jpg (187667 bytes)
Home Sweet Home
(looking NW)
Home Sweet Home
(looking NE)
kennysbarge.jpg (45358 bytes) kennyshouse.jpg (78796 bytes)
Kenny's Landing Craft
Note the drop-down
gate at the bow.
Jim and Brenda at
Kenny's "house and
yard of treasures
and trash."
Signs of Bahia San Luis Gonzaga
cedaelpaso.jpg (39572 bytes) aviso.jpg (54608 bytes) caution.jpg (74015 bytes)
lotforsale.jpg (78528 bytes)


showerwatertank.jpg (17970 bytes) steelcactus.jpg (29815 bytes)
Alternative water tower Shower/Water Tower Steel Cactus


elinspector.jpg (34552 bytes)
A curious soldier at
San Felipe

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